What is Gann’s perspective on the relationship between price and volume trends?

What is Gann’s perspective on the relationship between price and volume trends? [1:16:08] This is John Gann, in that regard a little different idea than many of the ideas that you’ve seen over time. When it comes to Gann’s perspective Click Here market behavior, he loves the natural ebb and flow of market volume, he says on purpose and by design they go away and come in on their own schedule. He sees the purpose of how volume and price move together in that regard. Yes, he sees the desire to price, but he also sees the equal desire to go away and die. And it’s natural to have these two things. But at the same point in the cycle where prices go up, there’s this desire to have the money to have that money do something else. So he gets that concept that he says this energy and these kinds of things is that need to have an expression, but the expression is going to go away, and this is just sort of nature, at any point in the natural cycle. Now, my perspective on that is to take the volatility of the markets into account, whatever that means to you. And so, what if some one says, well, you know, price does that go back and forth it’s like a twister, it twirls all around. Like all animals, they get stuck in a twister if not somehow they get out of it. Well, let’s put your Twister, let’s put your twister outside in the natural cycle in nature. But at the same time, if they are going to have some type of a twister, why can’t you have their volume twister outside? So there’s always this desire to get out of a chaos and so you have to make that go away. That’s my idea of the natural marketplace.

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[1:17:40] And so, that’s his perspective on that. What other economists are saying about that? [1:17:What is Gann’s perspective on the relationship between price and volume trends? It is easy to support the theory of ‘one set of buyers and sellers’ at the HFT firm level. Gann’s point is that the participants in the trading market need to do their own best to make orders on their own without affecting the order traffic from any one firm. “If they cannot maintain equilibrium with each other, they will end up in a deadlock. And if this happens, orders from the real market traders will take over” (Gann 2014a, 31). It is also clear that real market participants do not use the market news reported on the exchanges. Indeed, they generally take for granted that they do not need to know anything about market facts before making their trading decisions. As a result, many exchanges and hedge funds lose an important tool in their trade. As a result, the stock “has gotten cheaper as these computer traders look at the S&P 500 futures and buy shares of certain technologies and airlines because every morning they are cheap. But as the markets open on Thursday, the cheapest technology stocks get hammered while the cheapest airlines stocks are getting hammered” (Gann 2014a, 28). So the main reason why this technology sector trade made a big move is the spread between the S&P index for technology (up about 2 percent) and the S&P index of airlines (down about 4 percent). That is, the gains in S&P of technology are coupled with losses in airlines, so the flight to tech is the reason why this sector moved so well. When I started reading Gann’s book, I could not get over the fact that he does not make the case that HFT was getting into the real day trading market.

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This must be one of the simplest things that he and Wall Street could have done. That is, HFT shares should be excluded from these indices so as to be in a pure world of market traders and their machines. The other question of a more personal level is why GWhat is Gann’s perspective on the relationship between price and volume trends? Is Gann against Elliott Wave theory, or do they have similar concepts? From that perspective, I don’t think Elliott Wave and Gann have similar concepts of market behavior, since I don’t think either of them think price trends are always strictly timed by previous demand. For example, neither of them think that a market plunge with volume indicates an intermediate wave c is ending, especially one where some large amount of buying is occurring on some sort of bid. They’re both correct that there are opportunities to make money off these maneuvers, but the true nature of the intermediate wave count is only revealed at point when sufficient previous demand has been traded back that an obvious decline is taking place in price. I mean, for example, remember how gold often makes sharp plunges like it did from 1980-’84, and then makes U-shaped returns like it did from ’84-’95, two characteristics of wave II of the L and P. We could have argued that the L was ending because price only ever made a wave X bounce before then. But its final trend was an outlier from typical L type behaviors, and was much more bullish than it normally really ended up being. It certainly didn’t reach the L’s expected price prior to the bulk of volume being traded on volume at high prices because the number of buyers only dropped further throughout the time, meaning prices started higher again in the fourth wave. I think this is sort of similar to your idea of timing being impossible to predict in some cases, in that the price can’t just shift on the future volume that’s about to happen. It’s just not possible to deduce when a bullish sequence is on a path to reversal as much as is usually thought. In fact, Gann says that even a trader should only use time-based patterns to describe a trend. This idea is developed from the idea of the crowd psychology: of what the crowd thinks.

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If the crowd is in position, they will bid the price up, but if they can get out, they will, so the crowd psychology gives a reasonable picture of what the crowd expects to happen. So, from that perspective, the idea has less to do with the actual movement across time, and more to do with the number and type of people who are in a position – which is, naturally, different for different events. The Gann model would identify the following trends, which are more than what Elliott Wave has presented as standard Elliott Wave theory has done: It’s still hard for the market to move too quickly, since it’s a highly adaptive environment. That’s very difficult to predict. The amount of supply can come suddenly like in the recent bull market. Even when the market is bullish, even if it looks as though the market is about to end a bullish trend, the market can hang on for a while (as it did in the bear cycle). That means that