What role does intuition play in Gann’s trading philosophy?

What role does intuition play in Gann’s trading philosophy? He has often said that he doesn’t make big moves in the main with just the numbers. Gann will read research and reports along with price chart analysis. He uses his intuition to confirm the bigger picture. Gann points out that we’re entering an up-market for commodity trading, and his moves might represent the beginning of a bigger trend. In his own words, Gann says, “We have to watch for trend changes, even when prices aren’t showing much of a trend. Trend changes often pay off big. We need to stay alert. All the smart money is being made when nobody is watching.” ### The Gann Organization Gann’s trading career began as a stockbroker at Merrill Lynch in New York City. He quickly dropped out of college in his senior year to devote full time to trading. When he started his own hedge fund, Gann had the distinction of being the first “street trader” to become a successful trading hedge fund manager. He cites “trying to profit by making hundreds of thousands of decisions a week” as the most challenging part of his job. Gann’s specialty lies in the area of commodities, and, of course, currencies—he has been a part of one of the most successful hedge fund currency groups in the world.

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He is especially known for market timing and his ability to benefit from trends in futures prices. ### Gann’s Trading Style Gann has said that trading is 90 percent technical analysis (so you don’t need to know much about trend analysis and so forth), 10 hire someone to do nursing assignment psychology (he has a well-known quirky personality—and anyone who thinks he’s emotional doesn’t understand real life). Over the course of his life Gann has experimented with many different styles—an analyst, trader, student of economics. He has also written many articles and books on the topic of how to make money in the market. In 1999 Gann wrote the book _The Art of Trading_What role does intuition play in Gann’s trading philosophy? Should you include intuition in your trading? The book is called “Intuition is for Bunnies, Not Cows” It is an interesting read, but it could save your bacon, you may not necessarily reap all the money, but getting squirreled away is much easier Hey everybody… I know many investors read the book so I decided to, since I haven’t a copy. There are some good quotes. I have one question though. On the last page of the book they talk about how an investor, when they have a good intuition, then shares a piece of intuition with other traders, but he says that if “new investors” get in to watch them trade, they are often wrong. He says that if you had shares, you would be correct 95 cents out of 100. What if I were to put some one in those stocks the same day they go public and it would net me x amount? Would I be correct in that case? In my trading opinion, the answer is no.

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In fact, it is not that difficult. If you are aware of some huge error in a company, then you almost always can set the price higher, reference at the end of the day, a company cannot afford to waste a ton of money, they need to recoup it, so that part of it and the part that comes from the government guarantees and rates are already factored in. The part that is subject to manipulation is the stock of the company, which is where your price is set. When you can pick stocks to just get out, when they appear to be on an upsurge and because you can predict it, that your other indicators are good, but the stock is available for this huge deal tomorrow at this price and out the back door is the right decision, of course there are various, probably even more indicators that you can pick stocks on to do this, but there is a huge advantage to Look At This ableWhat role does intuition play in Gann’s trading philosophy? Gann: When my intuition strikes, I listen to it. Occasionally, my gut instinct is right. It is a tool to confirm my hunches. It’s not something I lean on to be right and then decide out of my head after visit this website lost, “I thought so.” While it has saved me in numerous situations, my brain usually is more powerful than my gut instinct. I’d rather confirm my feeling in my gut with my gut instinct. When I think about it, though, the gut instinct is my brain. If it feels right to me, why shouldn’t I accept it as intuition in my head? I think it makes for better decision-making. COTM most commonly asked questions E-mail : What can I learn in a day of trading? What is your biggest obstacle in trading full time? What do you need to do better at right now in your trading? When do you trade? What is your question of the day (QOD)? Do you have a favorite author (with links to titles)? Tell me about your worst trading day, followed by your best trading day. What does a typical workday look like for you out there on the floor? What is your question of the day? I get asked this a lot so I don’t have to go into too much detail about what there is to know, but in a nutshell, my stock trading is about 60-65% fundamentals and 35-40% psychology and emotions.

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What did you do to learn how to manage those emotions after a bad day? How important are psychology and emotions in your trading? The top traders all had that one question for everything. I felt what we were asking him was too broad. We were asking him to give us a trading theory. That’s easy. He gave an outline of what he prefers to teach in my opinion. I thought it was OK, but didn’t feel it was much deeper than what I already had read and learned. A few people asked