What is Gann’s perspective on the role of news in market analysis?

What is Gann’s perspective on the role of news in market analysis? Do you see Gann as having an audience in the political arena? Or are his appearances isolated events that serve to illustrate a bigger point? Hi Mr. Gann, thanks for this reply. As you know I do often write from an academic perspective on issues of policy as they relate to the market. But being associated with IEF will at times seem a bit contradictory, because to speak out about markets as policy is equally if not more strongly relevant to policy and the law than the academic literature which often ignores policy and law. But in my research, yes indeed “why the news and how the news is made affect markets,” I was not surprised the speech was well received in this country’s economic policy circles. There is deep interest in what the Fed is doing, and not only in interest rates but its management of its assets. When the Fed issues a press release on the value of the holdings, people care en masse for whatever information is included which supports or challenges ideas they already have. That’s exactly what the Gann speech accomplished for investors. It enabled them to see what FOMC members already knew as the implicit holdings are revealed; and what FOMC wanted to hide. But rather than openly discuss the FOMC’s stated goals, they merely paid lip service. They have never owned much of the US dollar, but instead, in the words of Bernanke, “bet against it.” Such policies did not cause the 2008 bear market, but the Fed’s balance sheet increase did. Bernanke also claimed that the US dollar was special from the start, but in reality it was much like the rest of the world—with a variety of emerging and other currencies to be taken into account.

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However the Fed was caught off guard by the events of 2008, and they said so. The Fed does not want markets to have a voice, and by forcing the most obscureWhat is Gann’s perspective on the role of news in market analysis? I don’t know what you mean specifically by news, but from what I personally know, it always has been a major part of successful traders. Market news events that have happened throughout the history are: the silver contract being removed from NYMEX and starting the silver futures contract month in March. Speculators pushed NYMEX up, causing the price to drop to a seven-year low. The New York City Blackout that affected all banks and brokers. Speculators put pressure on NYMEX. Speculators put pressure and caused a sell off in the market. The Fed raised interest rates. Speculators began selling the market. Then the Russian invasion was announced. Speculators began selling everything. After a few hours of “market activity”, the news had spread. Speculators reaped the benefits of this news and started buying everything again (remembering that the speculators were looking for good news.

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Of course they had the intention to tell those new news throughout the city that it was good news and what was their profit.) Prices went back upwards. The Bear Stearns and Lehman’s. Speculators then capitalized on this new stock market movement by placing the blame on the “banks” by going back on the “price crash” move. My experience with professional and more or less experienced speculators is always that they make a lot of money when there is a clear news or a strong weather event (also they are never short during a “storm”. They obviously place all their money under a solid roof, such as real estate or gold) Having said that I can remember an incident with a hurricane that happened in November of 1978. In 1978 there was quite a few famous hurricane’s that hit the US. Three of them was “Amber”, “Bertha” and “Elizabeth” (the name of this hurricane is very close to the present name “Charley” There were a few hurricanes of the same nameWhat is Gann’s perspective on the role of news in market analysis? To set the record straight, Gann never intended to be the dean of an investment house. As a contrarian investor, he went against the grain and instead of going further up the wall against the see this Street establishment, he went further and farther down! Gann was a humble man. If he really wanted to be the best, he would have quit his job and run the company full-time. But no — he stayed home and the world knew him as the best ever. Investors know he has high standards for a stock market ‘analysis.’ It’s why when they disagree with him, he changes.

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It’s why he didn’t speak negatively or critically about the market. He always spoke with a positive, optimism at the forefront of his mind — no matter what. Others have the job of identifying what the best and worst is but Gann already knows it. He just gives hard facts and tells the reader everything he knows for them to see for themselves. With the benefit of hindsight, he’d like to change the facts a bit, but he sticks to the story with all the facts. There’s no agenda. His last column was a market bear and everything is back to the way it was. In Gann’s mind, don’t label what you read negatively; just consider the market facts for yourself in a totally unbiased perspective. That’s how he always wants his investors and readers to approach the market. Look, listen and believe. If you knew nothing about financial markets and how they actually work (particularly if you are new to the markets) or if you trust the conventional wisdom around you about how a market actually works (i.e., how you think the market always “works” or if for some perverse reason — you think the markets “always” go up?), then this article might be of interest to you.

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Does the conventional wisdom hold up over time? Have humans developed the skill to manipulate a market for their personal gain