What are the differences between W.D. Gann Arcs and Fibonacci arcs?

What are the differences between W.D. Gann Arcs and Fibonacci arcs? The first one is, in my opinion, the more useful. The second one only has the attraction of being a pattern-matching exercise. This is a transcript of an interview Dr. Gann gave to me and Chris Suter in 2016 during a day at the Society for Creative Anachronism conference at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, MA. Interview with Dr. George Gann Chriss Suter: Hello everyone, and welcome to The Synthetic Psyche podcast. I’m here with Chris Suter, one of my frequent contributors, and today’s episode I hope you’ll enjoy much because we have with us an extremely special guest. Dr. George Gann is at Boston University I’m happy to say. George, congratulations on your contribution to the fascinating study of magic, I’d like you to share with us your thoughts on what makes fibonacci arcs such an important pattern in magic, and also, I’d like to to start by asking you which arc patterns are your own favorites, and why they strike you the way that they do.

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Dr. George Gann: Well, first of all, what makes some patterns useful? I think in magic one of the things that’s true is that patterns like quadrature, and double hexagram or whatever, are a bit of a ritual. So the person doing that uses it to help them get into the right states of mind and body, and then from there you get into the physical aspects of whatever you’re doing as a magician. So that’s what some of them are done for. Then, of course, then patterns like the Fibonacci are lovely patterns. They clearly indicate a harmony between the two terms. They’re pretty simple to understand. And we are all familiar with them. So those of us working with that – magic would use stuff like that quite often. When we look at magic in other ways, you can get into much deeper mathematics than visit here So one of the things that Greg [Greer] makes, you know, out of material, like the time of day system, I’m sure that that works in his practice. But we have a lot of – like you can look at how the Fibonacci numbers, which are quite fascinating in and of themselves, are useful when you start playing with probabilities. That’s where I think the magic comes in.

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Suter: Yeah, this is a pattern we’ve seen from the moment young Carl Jung’s tutor introduced it to his students. That’s how these things kind of trickle down to us. Gann: Yeah, there’s a great history that happens with this stuff, but there are many people who didn’t know – they’re really interested in this because it’s a bit obscure. I have to say I am similarly. But people who are working in areas like statistics and mathematics, it’s rather useful to them. Suter: So in what way would we expect that magic is going to involve a use of probabilities, or things that are – Gann: Like divination I think is a good example. So a lot of what we do in divination is in various ways look at probabilities, and kind of see if they’re involved. Of course, you can look at how probabilities apply. I mean you look at maybe, an Ogham, which is a counting system from Ireland or something, and you have it very clear in terms of if you have something like even, odd, no, two, three, four, five, etcetera, and you have five units and you have three units, then maybe something unusual is happening. That’What are the differences between W.D. Gann Arcs and Fibonacci arcs? [0:27] Yungmai Yang: So, there are really no substantial differences between the two methods. You can actually implement the RHS formulation of the Gann-Fibonacci, and you can implement the left-hand side of the Gann-Fibonacci formulation, and you can implement the very same algorithm to converge to the same root.

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So, they are very similar. The issue is that, if you just define a naive algorithm as something like: you’ll always be increasing, or you always have an increasing sub-sequence, then the very first time ever this algorithm is applied, it could potentially diverge. [0:51] Nicholas McBride: I think that’s a really good point. What if you choose something like Fibonacci or the Gann method where your algorithm is not guaranteed to increase? Is that less beneficial and more dangerous than anything? [0:59] Yungmai Yang: All right, so, let me do the same thought experiment. I’m gonna put my hands up so everyone knows my intention and my goal is not to be dishonest with this. I can open both my hands and you can see that they’re both empty, and you can imagine my hands being filled with stones. You can close one. So, the person closest to me that can successfully pick one of these stones up can have it, and the person next to me will lose. If you don’t want to give me the stone — then it’s fine. If you want to give me the stone then take this hand. If this stone is too light for you, choose my other hand. Not the rock. So, the hand.

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Take the hand with the stone or go home and have a good day. [1:34] W.D. Gann Arcs [1:38] Nicholas McBride: What do you think is the expected number of iterations to get your hand on stone though? [1:44] Yungmai Yang: I don’t know. [1:44] W.D. Gann Arcs [1:46] Nicholas McBride: How much do you need to do? [1:48] Will Lyons: How do you know who’s ahead? [1:49] Yungmai Yang: Well, you’re playing rock scissors, paper. The natural ordering comes from the natural ordering of the first four base-case steps of this proof. [1:56] W.D. Gann Arcs [1:59] Nicholas McBride: Alright. So, in one of your letters, you talk about the real strength of Gann’s method is in the convergence rates of your sub-sequence. Now, let’s say someone was — if someoneWhat are the differences between W.

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D. Gann Arcs and Fibonacci arcs? My experience is that Fibonacci is a tad more complex to set up and requires a longer set-up or pre-fluence time that makes it not as attractive as W.D. Gann techniques. I do not believe that W.D. Gann is easier to understand from a geometric standpoint if Fibonacci is the desired arc? My desire is definitely to have a W.D. Gann arc. Any additional thoughts would sure be appreciated. Good question. There are good differences between W.D.

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Gann arcs and Fibonacci arcs as well as the differences between all the arc systems I’ve mentioned here. Both Gann and Fibonacci arcs lend themselves to a system of “simple” natural foreshortening curves as can be seen by considering examples 2 to 4 on the previous pages of this thread. In this particular thread, we see that the resulting arcs not only look good, but are stable on all sides. This makes them good candidates for use in a good system with a good set of tools. Achieving such “simple” natural foreshortening arcs takes some skill however. On the first page or so of this thread, we had a discussion about how these simplistic arcs behave from a geometric standpoint when used in set-ups. It’s true that they require a somewhat lengthy set-up to achieve the kind of symmetry and stability that are desirable properties for such arcs. Depending on a person’s style, expertise and methods, this might make them boring or otherwise ineffective, however. Other methods, on the other hand, such as our method of “non-constant” natural and normal arcs, tend to be much easier to use though they perhaps lack the kind of robustness and symmetry that’s present in the arcs of W.D. Gann and Fibonacci, respectively. As long as you want beautiful arcs that don’t look like any other arcs you’ll ever see (