How does Gann apply the concept of “price and time harmonics” in trading?

How does Gann apply the concept of “price and time harmonics” in trading? ============================================================== Gann says In order to make a money management decision there are two primary techniques/methods that traders follow: 1 – Do what you are comfortable with emotionally 2 – Do what you are most comfortable with mathematically He goes on to find out how many do the latter and why. It is “pride”, this ability to show off a technical skill. Gann wrote “It is a problem that I have described as “an obsession” for many times; so fixated are most people in their mind on being right on the floor that they will do whatever it takes to support their view. No matter how absurd they are the longer they are left alone and untested the further they actually believe their nonsense.” ([@A33254R2]). Gann found out they are mostly “Fiction dealers”. They don’t like to consider the complexity of analysis and that it will take a long time because of the “tricks of the trade”. Shorting is easier and more rewarding. This could be a problem as it may lead the user to missing the right price moves because of this “illusion” ([@A33254R2]). He says, “Once you let your mind wander outside your self, you will be unable to concentrate on the next moment, and no matter what your surroundings or conditions, you will do anything (including die) to achieve the next win. ” ([@A33254R2]). Gann goes on to explain the concept of psychology and the common behavioral traits in traders. I believe Gann has been a significant contributor to the betterment of trader’s behavior and understanding the mechanics of trading going forward.

Time Spirals

His trading technique is the fusion of these concepts which, as Gann describes will likely be in the head of every trader going forward. The first major contributor was his understanding of the trading timeframe. 1 – FirstHow does Gann apply the concept of “price and time harmonics” in trading? No one ever accused Gann of being a complex thinker. Yet his “Ode to the Market” is no mere exposition of obvious notions like noontime and intraday trading. Rather, it’s a highly unique and thought-provoking retelling of the “eternal” (as H.H. Wilson put it a century or so ago) subject of time and price harmonics. As he says:”The Eternally Recurring theme here is harmonics, the laws by which prices and time behave, which is why, no matter what subject you take up in studying the markets, you will inevitably break down the problem into time and price harmonics. These are the common and interchangeable names of the two general tendencies, of equilibrium and price, that you’ll encounter, and for that reason, it behooves the trader to be in tune with these forces so that he can control his trade and see far greater results, being far less likely to experience the pain that leads to failure and defeat.” As we read today’s Gann article, these three short videos provide extra insights into his unique and deep approach to trading. Let’s start with the video on the “law of price and time harmonics.” Key Takeaways Gann described time dynamics as the main power (see H.H.

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Wilson), while profits and losses are reflections of price dynamics. The law of price and time harmonics is behind the daily patterns we see in the markets. Such patterns also show up in human behavior in its various forms. Markets have lots of trading units, each with its own time dynamics. These dynamics complement one another and impact how prices develop, causing blog “oscillations.” The above four videos highlight Gann’s concept of price and time harmonics. They give a taste of what kind of insights he was seeking to share when he became convinced that harmonics were the key toHow does Gann apply the concept of “price and time harmonics” in trading? Some of his concepts I remember hearing: -Money is an oscillating and constantly vibrating number of money -It oscillates around a baseline of zero -The flow of money isn’t fixed, so it can’t be a perfect pendulum -He talked about money being a “numerical medium of exchange” and money being a token of value -Money can be traded at any moment, on any time frame (minute to hour to day to year to month) -Tidak ada target, saat ini masih atlet -The only time a trade is reached is when an exchange is made -Money has no price, except for what you are willing to accept for it -No trading day is a “bull and bear day” -Price and time must be harmonically balanced in the whole trading portfolio -There are moments when it works, and moments when it obviously doesn’t What was the most interesting part of the series? What did you learn from it? Click to expand… Cito tepat lho..hehehe..

Gann Fans

. I like the parts when he talked about money. He mentioned gold as a “currency” for the ancient time…what about in the 21st-century? Is there such thing today? Or just a long shot concept? If I really believe the thing he is talking about (which it seems that nobody can be absolutely sure of), was to speculate on the future, could I do it? “predictions”? If I really believe it’s a concept of Gann, how could I use it? Is it possible to “create” times or price oscillations or oscillations of probabilities, if I predict the price of an event ahead time and with some reasonable probability? Or is it just a fiction? The first thing you are probably worrying about is how to use the concepts, but it would probably be best to start with your system before find more about that. Click to expand… Hello Maybe he was saying in 2007/2008 gold is ‘currency of the future’ exactly Maybe he was saying that anything – real or not – can be traded – like the markets do now It could be done today by predicting future but it would be very fragile and riskier than the market already is All that I know is that very speculative ideas are being talked about… Nobody can say for sure if the concept could work rather than just one person only Thanks for providing the link to part 1 of the Gann lectures.

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I’ve watched the second half and yesterday I watched part three. While reading the lecture notes, I’ve also read Gans’ Blackjack Maxims. I’m not fully clear how he would classify and define them (e.g. the “honest-runner”