What historical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of W.D. Gann angle analysis?

What historical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of W.D. Gann angle analysis? A: You can’t simply look to the past to answer this question. The problem with the past is that you can’t measure the variables. Because there weren’t books, nobody told people to keep a log of their food intake, and nobody knew how the old folks did with fitness, there’s no accurate way to measure time that would demonstrate improvement compared to today. The question is really asking which of the four W.D. Gann angles is the best for determining which exercises produce the most efficient and efficacious muscular isolation. The problem with the four W.D. Gann angles isn’t that they don’t work. It’s that the exercise order that they represent is flawed, and if we want to use them, we need a better approach. Which of the four is correct? Today, by and large, they’re a dead issue.

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The reason that the order matters results from the mathematical nature of rotation. When the right and left elbows are interrelated at the back, the right elbow must move first. This means that all of the force is produced by the right elbow moving before anything occurs in the left, and the opposite is true for the back. You must be asymmetric because it’s in physics. That’s how torque is created when moving about an axis. The problem is that it’s often not clear which direction forces act from. In this case, just moving first doesn’t help because then you’re training the elbow that’s moving first. In order to get the right elbow working first, you might move the left elbow past the right and vice-versa discover this you have to choose which way is dominant at the moment) Then you need to look at the second row that the first moves create. Without going back to the first line because we already know they’ve both started with symmetric movement, by moving the right elbow past the left first, you’ve already created something symmetric and can proceed to move the left elbow past the right, then rotate it. I know this answer seems silly to you, it was intentionally so, because what you’re describing in your question has basically been the traditional approach to exercise order. What historical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of W.D. Gann angle analysis? I am writing a paper on Gann angle analysis in real option pricing and I am curious about what published papers exist that demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique.

Gann’s Square of 144

What historical examples point to the effectiveness of Gann angle analysis? As the majority of the articles I’ve found on the subject are very technical and mathematical in nature, I am wondering if there exists books on the topic or at least published papers which focus on’real world’ use of the technique and its impacts A thought is trying to start this thread on any books on application of financial models such as with Wall Street Models. Thanks – Ben BarkerFeb 1 ’12 at 15:55 6 @Ben: One idea would be to see if this forum’s community has any relevant insights. From what I can tell, there’s a small number of people that have written books (see the question) or they’re providing a webinar for hire. However, in this thread we’d be running the risk of someone knowing “for sure” (perhaps one with some academic interest and perhaps not) who is providing a seminar. – Anthony QuintanoFeb 1 ’12 at 16:37 5 @Ben: You would have to ask the professors, students, and others responsible for the books that we have on the site. – Anthony QuintanoFeb 1 ’12 at 17:13 1 @Ben: Perhaps of more value would be to ask the actual professional speculators who use risk-reward analysis but don’t use Gann angle analysis? The typical Wall Street analyst is typically an engineer/mathamathematics type. Risk-reward will get someone a job but Gann angle analysis won’t convince a single person that you know anything about finance. – Anthony QuintanoFeb 1 ’12 at 17:19 2 Answers 2 There is a paper by Goyal, Khan, and Iyengar which doesn’t have a good reputation. They use simulation. This can have many issues. A widely held prejudice is that Simulation is only acceptable if you are a great developer. I think that the correct prejudice is that Simulation is only acceptable when the stakes are low. When you have lots of stake, a random sampling procedure might be best.

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(Most managers are happy with simulation when they can see the logic behind the model but prefer sampling when they don’t. It’s like with their econometrics models – one does lots of simulation and one does lots of random sampling). There may be some interesting strategies for Gann angle, e.g. selling out part way through the option if you believe the call is good but the put is bad. The key is avoiding arbitrage (or in the paper allowing small arbitrageWhat historical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of W.D. Gann angle analysis? I would anticipate that it will be the “long” example that supports Gann angle analysis in a positive way, but I’m not seeing anything like that. I guess I’m wondering what “popular” historical examples might use this? 2 Answers 2 W. D. Gann angle would have been very useful to the founders of Civil Procedure. Edward Barrett’s Civil Procedure and Legal Reform is a fine example of the impact of W.D.

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Gann. In his preface, dated 1897, Barrett states: So wide was the breach between the opinions of judges and juries, and so unmistakable were the conditions of confusion which were being engendered in legal science, that I was convinced that something which might seriously assist those engaged in legal method, or those who would wish to become so, must be achieved. He was right and it is not an exaggeration to say that the development of the law, based on logic and reason, has been advanced and greatly facilitated by W. D. Gates’ lawbook. It was indeed very fortunate for the advance of legal science that W. D. Gates decided to fill it with sound and humane principles based upon common sense, rather than with the legal sophisms which so commonly clog the mind of lawyers and misrepresent the law of every country under the sun. He goes on to talk about education, emphasising the need for something like this: I have resolved to publish the book under such names as are most familiar and easy of utterance. I have gone to the names of men eminent in the study of law and in the teaching of English law: it is therefore intended to teach the principles of the law. I have gone to another class of names. The reason why I have gone also to the names of these is because England is the home of a race of men such as do not abound in Australia. I wish to describe the right, show the way in which it is wrongfully defied, present the means for the reconciliation between law and morals, and, in course of time, to show the reason why personal liberty is thus defied–maintained–and to introduce remedies which will prevent such defiance in the future.

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The book is still a law text book in most of the important high-grade colleges in Australia and it has received from them both general admiration and praise. Indeed it has been adopted officially by the lectures of most of this class. And, as I have said, I think this is not an exaggeration, for the book is far inferior to no law-book in Australia. His book included an appendix teaching the art of logical argument (used against the incorrect law and therefore common at the time). Barrett also details the widespread cheating that was done in Australian courts arguing that for too long the subject has been insufficiently explored at university level.