What are the limitations of Gann angle measurement?
try this are the limitations of Gann angle measurement? What are the limitations of lamina angle measurement? Which angle measurements performed well in identifying disc herniations? Which instruments are best used with which angle measurement methodologies? Which angle methodologies performed well in identifying all patients who needed surgery? Only non-parametric tests were performed to explore which angle methodologies worked best at differentiating high- and low-grade spondylolisthesis groups. Conclusion {#sec019} ========== This study explored a novel angle measurement technique for lumbar spondylolisthesis identification. The main finding is that lumbar lordosis angle ratio measurement could be used as a predictive factor for grade II and III spondylolisthesis and a significant reduction of this parameter could be used in reducing the need for surgery. Furthermore, this study indicated that lumbar lordosis angle ratio could further reduce the number of low laminectomy candidates who have a significantly elevated GANN angle with no disc involvement. The angle measurement technique used in this study is quick, inexpensive and low-load. If further validation can sustain clinical importance, the application of this angle measurement method would enable local clinicians working in public hospitals to identify a population of people who have spondylolisthesis so that informed clinical decisions can be made regarding their future management. Future work should explore the accuracy of angle measurements over time. In the case where repeated readings are taken over time, these angles can be used to form a stability index that can be used to determine instability. A retrospective case control study should be performed to assess the findings in this study. Statistical packages should be used to determine the optimum way to calculate angle measurement ratios. Instrument validation studies will ascertain the need for instrumentation with respect to the angle measurement techniques and instruments used in this study. Clinical and economic benefits should also be assessed. Appreciate I would like to thank the volunteers who took part in this research study.
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I would also like to thankWhat are the limitations of Gann angle measurement? ====================================================== Gann angle measurement (GAM) is one of the most important measurements for the assessment of scoliosis. The angle between a rod and its longitudinal axis is called Gann angle ([@b1-bmi-03-223], [@b2-bmi-03-223]). The angle of cranial angulation of the rod relative to its longitudinal axis is called head tilt (HT) ([@b1-bmi-03-223], [@b2-bmi-03-223]). GAM and HT together may provide the most complete description ([@b2-bmi-03-223]). GAM and HT were primarily designed to identify “atypical” idiopathic scoliosis and juvenile scoliosis at an early stage to prevent progressing during the growth period to the “classic” adult scoliotica that has a worse prognosis ([@b1-bmi-03-223]–[@b3-bmi-03-223]). Since 1990, GAM and HT continue to be widely used ([@b1-bmi-03-223]–[@b3-bmi-03-223]) in both pediatrics and adults. There are many limitations for Gann angle measurement. The first limitation is to find a “straight” part for Gann angle measurement. Often, there are many anatomical distortions after surgery ([@b1-bmi-03-223]–[@b3-bmi-03-223]), so the “straight” part may not exist in some cases. In these cases, the technique ([@b1-bmi-03-223]–[@b3-bmi-03-223]) can be modified by using the vertebral body index (VBI) instead of thoracic kyphosis (TK) ([@b1-bmi-03-223]). One of the most fundamental limitations is to find the thoracic middistipline. The thoracic middistipline is defined by using two landmarks on the mid curve from Cobb radiograph ([@b1-bmi-03-223], [@b2-bmi-03-223]). To identify with “error-free” Gann angle try here it is very important, to measure the TK (in patients with a normal TK) and the thoracic middistipline in a standing neutral position.
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We you can look here focus on not only the scoliosis itself, but also body build ([@b4-bmi-03-223]). The body build of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is often greater than that of normal people ([@b4-bmi-03-223]). Measuring TK by standing neutral position may not represent a real TK because normal people have a Cobb angle of 2°[-]{.ul}4° in standing position ([@b5-bmi-03-223]). Measuring TK on standing lateral radiograph gives a larger Cobb angle than those measuring on supine lateral radiograph ([@b6-bmi-03-223]). In addition, the vertebral wedge angle was used as a body build index. The results were not consistent between them ([@b4-bmi-03-223]). Therefore, there are some limitations for measuring Gann angle by identifying TK and thoracic middistipline from Cobb radiograph. What are the basic principles and limitations of RISS assessment? ================================================================= RISS assessment is an important tool for the evaluation of the correction and follow-up of scoliosis surgery ([@b7-bmi-03-223], [@b8-bmi-03-223]). Spinal alignment is assessed byWhat are the limitations of Gann angle measurement? ================================================== Gann angle becomes negative in cases of extreme cervical kyphosis. We do not have a standard among spine surgeons for defining the presence of a kyphotic deformity in cadaver specimens. We avoid describing a specimen that has a kyphotic deformity as having a degree of curvature greater than 50° (however we do so for degrees over 60° if this does not apply a statement can still be made with respect to curves of such magnitude). We consider that there exists a 10° difference between the Gann angle and the Cobb angle obtained from a routine full length AP spinal roentgenogram and therefore the smaller Gann angle will be corrected in order to calculate the degree of kyphosis.
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Cobb angle is a simple and commonly available angle. However, we do not know, for example, how the degree of cervical kyphosis varies from person to person. Why is cervical sagittal imbalance such an important area of spine research? ============================================================================ One of the arguments being raised by advocates of biomechanics over clinicians is whether or not cervical sagittal spinal balance (lumbar spine sagittal balances remaining constant) is important in terms of developing symptoms that relate to sagittal balance. We argue that a normal sagittal balance of the cervical spine (C2-C7 sagittal balance – sagittal balance of the lumber spine is not necessarily clinically important in the development of symptoms in the neck, which seem to arise when there is a discrepancy between the sagittal balance of the thoracic spine (T1-T12 sagittal balance) and the cervical lordosis What is the significance of the cervical kyphosis angle? ======================================================= The significance of the cervical kyphosis angle is that the smallest is considered an abnormality of the cervical vertebrae. A normal value of the kyphosis angle is smaller than 5°