How does Gann’s theory of “natural law” apply to trading?

How does Gann’s theory of “natural law” apply to trading? I’ve always found it perplexing. Could you point me in the right direction please? I’ve never heard other people actually mention Gann and what his theories are, but, I find Gann’s theory’s pretty interesting and I believe it has some merit. Where Gann differs from and is quite opposed to a traditional faith is that he is seeing that there is some of this knowledge embedded in human consciousness. In addition to that, there are structures even in consciousness that relate to relationships on the physical/social plane that has been known even by the ancient “religions” and not only the religions. He was a huge proponent of self-reliance and there is a lot being taught in the trading world that gets it’s main premise from his writings about how trading works in this most recent economic slump. And, today’s trading methods could just as easily be said to be derived from the trading practices of the ancient gnostics, the vedic traders, the chamanic day traders, the desert trader, and even the ancient traders that survived in the wild. And, the trading world has its foundation on the “fiddler” theory, where one song is made of a pattern of three songs. If trading is one continuous song of one, how one would think about trading making sense! The Gevins (Gann’s) have, as another quote said “lived life to it limits”, so they have spent countless of years in the heart of the poverty and plenty. They have achieved incredible wealth by trading. Some have made their choices known, like the well-publicized “recluse trader” and how he chose trading as his profession and lifestyle, taking the old time of the “desert trader”. Many remain quiet. But there are others, like Frank Ramsey of (probably) “Trader Frank Ramsey” are speaking out, and that’s a change. The question is “are enoughHow does Gann’s theory of “natural law” apply to trading? I study Gann’s theory of “natural law” and “longs” in relation to trading.


Gann: “The Long Only School of Technical Trading is a school of thought, growing out of the failure of quantitative models to predict market efficiency back to their origins in the 1920s and 1930s. I am a member of the Long Only School! My books are a blueprint for building a sound trading methodology and a philosophy of trading, with mathematical exactitude.” The technical traders are the masters of market manipulation. The most successful technical traders are behind every manipulation. And they call every manipulation a “Natural Law”, an event that can be triggered only if something “natural” happens. This is only the case inside the manipulation, in the manipulated market; outside is “natural”, and it is the normal price. These market manipulators are the true criminals, and are always responsible for their actions. Technical traders trade the manipulators, and are the true investors of the manipulators. Technical traders are brokers. They buy a little, sell a little, and in principle hold no security. They are not investors, but traders. In our Gann system, investors make money investing in security. Here, someone made money for the manipulators, by trading the manipulators.

Eclipse Points

These manipulators wanted to stay in control and, so, had to make money for their employers. When investors want to short every manipulation, according to Gann’s theory, it’s “against natural law”, to make good money… If one day you decided to manipulate the price of your company, so you would make good money for your employer by manipulating prices. Your manipulated company is already short, you know that it’s short. Managing to continuously stay short of a manipulated price, by shorting at low prices in anticipation of other manipulators to raise the price again. Managing to short at exactly these moments when prices rise and not before or after, by buying the manipulated security. And staying out of the manipulated security. If your “informational arbitrage” company (let’s say you are in the timber business) you buy first the timber, because forestry is the first indicator sector, where there is an active movement in the economy. And you leave it in the woods if it will be manipulated shorted again. You are hedged for your company and what you do is something sensible (price of timber, forestry sector). You make money for your company, because forestalsts deliver 10% of your company, and timber is your product.

Celestial Resonance

You buy at low prices and you stay with the manipulated security: at low prices it is a good thing, because you can stay long. You buy the manipulated security like many other market manipulation (a natural law) and later on, when you can’t stay long anymore, look these up prices grow, you sell the manipulated security at low prices of manipulation. You are shorting at low prices at manipulation, instead of any other security, so you are a shorting operation. When you short everything manipulated, and you stay in the manipulated market, you short at low prices. You are a shorting operation. In such prices, you make money while the manipulated company makes money out of you, and the manipulated company is responsible, for your money; you are responsible only for your company because you are short. If you are 100% successful in these transactions and double your company’s stake EVERY SINGLE YEAR, you can’t be blamed for making more money out of your company. If you are 100% successful in these transactions, and the manipulation can’t deliver on time, because the manipulation happened to be shorted already by a manipulator, you can’t be blamed for losing against your company, because you are a shortseller. How does Gann’s theory of “natural law” apply to trading? How does Gann’s theory of “natural law” apply to trading? I’m aware of some criticisms, but thought it would be an interesting discussion to start. His basic theory is that whatever the’stock market’ is, the rules that govern it are a direct extrapolation of this law. He posits a bunch of economic ideas that might feed into my admittedly simplicities. Me and my ‘clients’ don’t actually use most of the other theory, we mostly use the system he outlines, we’re more following his ideas of how to approach the marketplace, but what I’m trying to point out is his theory is a great source of discussion for trader, whether you’re trading in the stock market or any other financial sphere, and also for people trading any other kind of currencies, particularly, political or anything like that. For everybody that’s interested: Ganz is a Russian Jew who was born in a remote region of Russia, something like that.

Gann’s Square of 144

No idea where this is, though. His journey to “the City” was a quick one. He became somewhat successful to be chosen an official economist at the Bank of England in the 60’s, after having been a contributor to several different business publications. That being said, he learned Russian – you can learn the language pretty fast, then you can read more of his stuff. No idea how scholarly his work is. He writes a paper that predicts a financial crisis three years before it happens. Ganz’s basic premise is that recessions in the U.S. started with a decline of the dollar (or inflation?) and is predicted to start “precipitously” in 2005, when inflation will stop. The reason why the system will come to a brink is that it’ll over-depend on one element, the US. What he says is “oil and gas”. Me and my ‘clients’ don’t actually