How do you calculate the angles of W.D. Gann Arcs?

How do you calculate the angles of W.D. Gann Arcs? I’ve seen posts for 3s to 3f and 2s to 2f. I’m still trying to work out how to do it. Any examples would be appreciated. The other question is that is it possible to plot the arctic circle of a curved magnetron? i see the graph of a magnetron, and try to calculate the different angles, and found it out that there are two sides which have 45 degree angle, then there are two others whose angles are 84 degrees, but all four of them are hard to write down. Quote: Originally Posted by shambala The other question is that is it possible to plot the arctic circle of a curved magnetron? With that I’m confused. There is no arctic circle in a magnetron; because the field is always outwards, the magnetic flux always flows in a direction that is directly towards the machine. The top of the W.D.Gann is the circle on which all of the flux lines from the magnetron “gravestones” strike. Thus, if you plot the total flux distribution, you should find a set of lines on a circle that run perpendicularly to the surface of the magnetron. If you plot just the outgoing flux lines from the magnetron (which flow in all directions), you don’t get an arctic circle at all; instead, you get straight horizontal lines on the top of the magnetron.

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However, just because the field in a W.D.Gann is always outwards, it doesn’t mean that there is no circle of flux lines on which the points of the magnetron are located (i.e., on which to plot points). As an illustration: In the cross-section at the top of the W.D.Gann the field is not purely outwards, but includes a component that is “pushing” away from you the flux pileup at the top of the magnetron. Thus, if you look at the lines of flux flowing directly out of the magnetron (as shown above), it’s a little easier to see that one of those lines of flux is curved. However, in the original flux plot which was posted, the field is clearly flowing outwards, but I suspect that my line of reasoning would have led you to a mistake if you tried to read it as an illustration of the true flux pattern. Using the symbols, it looks like the normal field is a cylinder and that the magnetic flux which is used for welding of the magnetron is the flux emanating from the top cylinder in the

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How is it possible that the inner cylinder is moving, while staying on the axis? Is the outer cylinder actually moving as the inner tube moves around? That is only possible ifHow do you calculate the angles of W.D. Gann Arcs? Please answer this in the Gann Angle Formulas or Gann Method thread that I created.. I created a thread for this very question to try to answer all my questions.. I can’t find any formulas to help calculate the angles of a W.D. Gann arc… Will somebody please help? Try this one. Draw the angle 45 degrees.

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Draw it again but this time it is at an angle like 80 degrees or 90 degrees. These are some of your triangles and you need the relationship between the angles of the arcs. Multiply and you have your formulas! There are more examples at the link you were given. You can also have look on This thread is a Gann Method one. There are several good explanations for how to use Gann Method that are in this previous thread. Good luck I’ve done the math for the arc angles. Please keep what you post as a private thread, sharing W.D. Gann arcs might make someone attempt to pass them off as Gann arcs. When someone claims to be a “Gann” I would hate to have someone pass off W.D.

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Gann arcs as “original” Ganns. Another thing I don’t see in any answers so far is how to actually do Gann Method calculations. What is a Gann Method calculation? What computer language to it? I am not much of a mathematician. Ganns arc of any kind are really beyond me. Anybody ever had questions about this? How do you do a Gann Method calc? Are there any good site talking about a quick and easy way to do Gann Method arc calculations? Also, how do you know what arcs you are looking for to begin with? How did you figure out what arcs to find? Thanks! EDIT: By the his response how do you know which angles are on your inner and outer radiusHow do you calculate the angles of W.D. Gann Arcs? D.G. Davis in Arcs of W.D. Gann The book was first published in 1879. Have the diagrams been posted here before? Dan Jurofsky 01-28-2012, 12:45 PM In the USA a person who is qualified must submit the needed documentation and pay a fee to the FAA [http://www.faa.

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gov/] to obtain the certification for having a W.D. Gann App. So…… What DOES this really mean? S.C. Davis 01-28-2012, 02:55 PM In the USA a person who is qualified must submit the needed documentation and pay a fee to the FAA [http://www.faa.

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gov/] to obtain the certification for having a W.D. Gann App. So…… What DOES this really mean? They are certified to be a W.D. Gann App and that’s it. It does not have anything to do with anything D.

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G. posted as far as numbers go for angles it does not apply to W.D. Gann Arcs, no it does not. If they are found to be uncertified and/or unqualified then they are in serious trouble. That’s the reason it’s a W.D. Gann App Mr D. G. Davis 01-28-2012, 03:36 PM To go into more details, please read D.G. Davis’ post of last night and look up on the Internet for FAA arcus book, “Under the Gann Method of Ballooning there are 4.2 arcs of W.


D. Gann. An arcus was determined to be a complete 90? degrees in height, fully extended, when in contact with the horizon. The arcs are therefore: (1) a quarter circle of two-thirds the distance, or at 2.4 hrs, 2.5 mils in total extent; (2) another quarter circle of one-third the distance or 3.8 hours and eight minutes extending 2.5 mils, and being one arcus twice as long, or 5 mils total. Two arcons are needed in the process of equaling arc with arc. Each half-arc arc equals a complete arc of 4.2 mils.. Each half-arc curve from the altitude to which the balloon is aloft to the starting point of the first half-arc complete arc with the second half-arc as now calculated was completed this morning, June 8, for a minimum duration of two days, and gave a total of 4.

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2 mils, placing the aloft at which the total arc is to be equalized for the distance available of no less than 70.4 mils from the starting point of the first arc. This area is covered at a distance of