How do W.D. Gann angles differ from traditional trendlines?

How do W.D. Gann angles differ from traditional trendlines? Where, precisely, do they start? With the understanding that all financial models are based upon assumptions, and that there is no model perfect, it should come as no surprise to see models in different contexts and using different assumptions, (and often the same numbers), turn up as varied angles. But what makes Gann angles so useful is fundamentally how the curve changes as we look further ahead. The Gann curve has its limitations, and as more information is available on a market the curve angle can change, and those changes, are useful indicators. See our video! If Mr. Gann is the first among us to be claiming a prediction, then it might not be so incorrect to assume that he is referring to a real-world price trend. This real-world price trend can be measured by historical averages. However, this is a very imperfect method and the trend shifts its ‘direction of movement’ as time progresses. It could be that the Gann angle is another tool to describe the price trend in a different way. It could also be that Mr. Gann is saying that the price move is a trend. In that case, one would go to see how the traditional directional price trend changes at certain relevant times, and in order to use the Gann angle, it would be assumed that the change (shift away from the average) is caused by an otherwise invisible hand with the price continuing on the way it was going anyway.

Hexagon Charts

So it follows that if the average is going up there shouldn’t be a market where the market price ends up down, in other words in a bear market – and an inverse of a trend is a bear market. This does not preclude the two in tandem: a bear market can proceed along with a trend, but as the trend also has in its name the words bear and market, perhaps Mr. Gann is referring specifically to a market up trend, otherwise known as a bull market. MarketHow do W.D. Gann angles differ from traditional trendlines? The difference is a combination of both. What if the trend line was thrown off because of a highly volatile market? What if the market moved all over the place for an extended period of time and your software said the trade was working? Do you cut the trade and hold on because the trend is there? Or do you stand pat because the trend is getting ready to do something totally unexpected? This week’s special guest returns to follow up with his thoughts on trading intraday in- the very nature of trends. He is the author of “Trade a Change” which can be found at Please read and enjoy this episode in full. A special thanks to Bill at “FundGetter” for joining this episode and sitting in for 90 minutes with me. A special thanks to you for listening to the program, and as always, we appreciate you for being in the Gann Store.

Financial Geometry

Have a great week! It’s been a while since we have had an interview on this podcast. It’s time to get the news on that front rolling so that we can get back to the show without delay. Let’s start this go around with the first guest of the week. This is a fantastic chance to not only hear from a very famous name in the world of trading, but also for us to hear from him and put in the more information of his unique voice. George Gann’s popularity and pedigree speaks for itself. His interviews on the show can be found on YouTube. George has interviewed all of the top names in the business today; many of which can be found on the podcast list. We welcome him to the program today. George, happy to be back on the show, glad to be back on the pod – really! It’s been a while. Welcome back to The Gann Group Podcast, hosted by Gann InstituteHow do click to find out more Gann angles differ from traditional trendlines? The angle that traditionally has a more accepted angle is Where I can tell us some of the history is another post https://en.wikipedia.


org/wiki/Bard’s_Meridian_Chart Many new age practitioners also use the Gann angle Gann is used by scientists as a direction indicator

Vortex Mathematics

html But I personally prefer Gann diagrams since they are the most intuitive as Gann trends are just the start of the angles. Are the angles all equal or they are just different? As you can see they are all the same up until -180° then there is a sudden change and then back and forth between -180° to 180° So is it a matter of preference not scientific theory? I personally prefer W.D. Gann. The use of Angle values are as important in W.D. Gann. When things are inverted with a particular angle. So where we have flat portions with a downward or upward slope.

Hexagon Charting

With the value listed across. It then becomes more of a measurement. Of the relative shift i.e. degree of slope. I have used W.D. Gann to pick the bull market reversals I know the normal angle is around 130° but the flat way of looking at things in W.D. Gann has made this method more compatible with my interests. I don’t know how much is my preference as much as discovering the significance of the angle in one time period. The trend that shifted from 130° to 0° wasn’t good. As the angle wasn’t consistent in going back after that time period where the angle was the same as traditional 130°.

Cardinal Numbers

THe angle was very similar but different. When the angle was 0° we then went into the next bull market. Remember when I mentioned the 130° was only a reference. It came from the chart method. Our chart model was charted the same way. But with the model charts angle is far more important than the actual chart. Often you won’t be able to tell that much from the model charts. With the traditional 130