Explain Gann’s concept of “natural resistance and support levels.”

Explain Gann’s concept of “natural resistance and support levels.” Natural support levels: 1. “The support level from a trader””‘The support and resistance levels of a security may not be static, but rather fluctuate as the security moves up or down. The reasons behind’ such fluctuation’ are the result of the impact of various fundamentals on the market. The market may be subject to price movement throughout the day due to the impact of the supply and demand caused by changes in some of these fundamentals. Consequently, prices may tend to follow the same pattern over time, and it is during the periods when the price is moving back and forth across its median that the bid and ask are trading.” {1} 2. “A specific’support level’ from an individual trades or type of trades. Consider, for example, what can be considered the natural support levels associated with a specific stock (1). When considering the stock’ movements,” {2} The first support level of”0.86″is the current natural support level for that stock. It is this natural support level on which the stock prices fluctuates. For example, if the stock price is trading at current support level 0.

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72, it could go back down to level 0.70 and even below that level, if the stock price is to fall much more than 0.72. The reverse is, also true. If the stock is trading at 0.84, the price can rise to levels even higher than 0.84 and even beyond.” {1} 3. “Resistance’Levels on a chart are the price levels at which liquidity-seeking buyers begin to be pressed back”when the price moves up’and demand from these buyers starts to build as more liquidity-seeking buyers move in to take positions. When a level is seen as a’resistance level,’ it is not inherently see post but when the price touches the level, it may start a continuous downward price decline.” {1,2} Explain Gann’s concept of “natural resistance and support levels.” Is natural resistance a good thing for a patient, and does it do a lot of damage too if it can get out of hand? Can it cause disease? In simple terms, natural resistance is anything that lowers a person’s susceptibility to a pathogen and helps the body resist future infection and disease. Natural resistance can be increased by the exposure a person has to a pathogen.

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Conversely, the innate immune system can recognize a virus almost instantly, and move to eliminate the agent before it can multiply and cause disease. A well-designed immune system, therefore, protects us against disease-causing pathogens while eliminating viruses and other pathogens before they can cause disease. Examples of natural resistance that protect us are the gut bacteria (bacteria in the intestines that constantly battle various food antigens); mucosal surfaces in the lungs and the lining of the intestines that combat various food and bacteria antigens; skin cells that are continually bombarding environmental antigens; and the lymphoid tissue that constantly neutralizes invading Web Site In this lesson, we will study in more detail how the natural resistance that protects us can also do damage. Most infections are due to bacteria, but a number of viruses have been identified as causative agents of disease. In this section, we will discuss how most infections are due to bacteria. ### Bacterial invaders During the course of evolution, the human body has been facing the threat of bacterial invaders for thousands of years. Very sophisticated mechanisms are protecting its inhabitants – natural defences, such as innate immunity and antibody-mediated immunity, are adapted by evolution to ensure that only viruses and other agents that are not pathogenic or at least not yet notifiable for humans are able to multiply and not cause disease \[[@B6]\]. Natural resistance mechanisms for combating bacterial invaders are mostly concentrated to the intestinal tract, the most common place of bacterial colonization. In this section, we will briefly review howExplain Gann’s concept of “natural resistance and support levels.” Explain in detail Gann’s approach to money market forecasters and their ability to forecast the market. Discuss Shiller’s view of the role of economists in influencing market expectations. Discuss the relative merits of buy-and-hold investing and stocks to income investors.

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