Describe Gann’s concept of “time and space.”

Describe Gann’s concept of “time and space.” Explain the relationship. This is the exact idea of time and space. Think of physics as being composed of four dimensions, called space and time, that is described by the four known forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force. The electric force is between positive things and negative things, and is always in a direction toward the positive, due to things having a negative charge. The strong force is between protons and neutrons, and is always in a direction toward the neutron. The strong force is always the opposite of the weak force. The weak force is between leptons and quarks. Finally, gravity is between every particle and the earth, and is always on the sun and away from the earth. Gravity always pulls the sun upward and away from the earth except during a solar eclipse. In addition to the four forces, there are also the special relative forces that are too big to be included in the four forces: the strong force is between quarks and gluons, the electromagnetic force is between protons (positively charged quarks) and negatively charged electrons (negatively charged quarks), the weak force is between neutrinos (neutrinos are positively charged quarks) and either down (quarks) or up (anti-quarks) quarks (neutrinos), and gravity is between every mass-energy particle and the earth. If you start with this analogy of time and space, you have to deal with space as two things: time and space. Time is something that carries things through space; and yet, two separate people cannot have the exact same thoughts at the exact same moment, because they live in different locations away from each other.

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You can not have both people thinking one thing at the same time. When both people think they have the same thought then it’s parallel thinking because it’s on the two people, and it becomes one concept. So, it’s like space, because the concept of time is something that carries things through space. So time is something that carries everything through space, but two people can’t have the exact same thoughts at the exact same time, because they live in different locations away from each other. When physics is defined as four big things (one force and three interactions), it is defined as having time and space. So, for us to understand time and space, we need to understand first that the four dimensions of physics only contain three facts. In addition to space and time, we also have mass, charge, and force. We also have gravity. When you break mass down into matter and anti-matter, you have matter on the left (positively) and anti-matter on the right (negatively) (fig. 2.1). As electrons on a positive piece of matter move away from the matter, leaving the negative side, it generates the negative charge (fromDescribe Gann’s concept of “time and space.” Gann calls his concept of time and space “time-space” or “unified field.

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” How does he define it? He says it is: “The property of an event’s place in space and time[…] [A] combination of the spatial location of the event’s cause and the temporal click this site where the event occurred” What do the diagrams suggest about different states of consciousness? His diagrams represent various states of consciousness, or a journey through time. They show many unconscious states of mind or past lives, including: Supernormal State of Consciousness Precognitive State Past life, The Afterlife, Spiritual States Unconscious States of Mind These diagrams suggest the various states or dimensions of time and place of consciousness and how various states of consciousness can be resolved. What is the significance in his use of the diagrams? Is there a narrative in them? He uses the diagrams as a sort of summary of the course of consciousness for various states of consciousness. It is difficult to explain the narrative or significance of these diagrams. Perhaps in the further study of these concepts, it will be easier to understand the narrative and significance of Gann’s diagrams. discover here is his view of spiritual states of consciousness? Are they real? Why does he call them “spiritual states of consciousness”. Is he saying that one cannot be “awakened” or “enlightened” without spiritual practice or without God? If so, what do he mean by these phrases? How is it that there can be these states of consciousness without spiritual practice or devotion to God? Gann strongly believes that, in one way or another, higher states of consciousness are attainable, even for everyone without spiritual practice. “Gann…

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is convinced that almost everyone, and virtually anybody can reach a conscious state of mind that he calls “The Afterlife”… “These states are experienced primarily through psychic vision;… but may also be consciously produced.” What can I say about these “spiritual states of consciousness”? What is the relation between spiritual practice and true consciousness? Can these states of consciousness be produced consciously without spiritual practice? – Who he is Wesley Martin Gann MD was born on January 23, 1929, in the U.S. state of Nebraska. He died on February 25, 2006. was raised in a Christian Methodist tradition and considers himself a Christian. WG’s childhood was characterized by years of difficulty.


WG did not like school and later was expelled from school twice. was involved with alcohol, marijuana and various other drugs. Dr. Gann learned of various ways that people make great advances and become “spiritually enlightened.” Later, Gann worked with people who, it appeared to him, hadDescribe Gann’s concept of “time and space.” It shows that these are the same. 10. **B** “The _Universe_, like so many of the worlds of fantasy, arises from a pre-existing universe: the very world of poetry is always just below the threshold of the realities of the future, an untoward poetry that hangs on the margin of one of these great universes…. Here, as elsewhere, [Hulme] tries to give poetic recognition to a universe all of whose elements are potentially present but will never be fully actualized.” (p.

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25) 1. The passage is concerned with the universe 2. Gann seems to envision a universe which might have been, but is now no more 3. Hulme recognizes the nature of poetry to subdue reality 4. Gann identifies the problem of trying too hard ### **QUESTIONS FOR READING COMPANION** **1.** What words are key in the passage? Can you figure out the meaning of certain words by rereading? **2.** How does Gann analyze the state of poetry in modern people? **3.** What do you make of the bold, underlined emphases in the paragraph regarding the universe and the relative seriousness of the poet? **4.** What is “the reality of poetry”? Why is this considered so unattainable? **5.** What is meant by “psychological material” and “the ultimate responsibility of the poet”? **6.** What is the connection among fantasy, the imagination, and the creative imagination? **7.** What is the import to this passage of Hulme’s having an international audience? **8.** Review the sentence construction in this paragraph.

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What are the principal sentences and what are their subjects? **9.** Name an analogy between “the universe” and “the mind” or “the body.” **10.** Can Hulme be accused of doing too much with poetry? * * * # 14 # S. T. Coleridge The last two texts can be said to be the summaries of contemporary philosophy, providing us with the highest thoughts of present tendencies and hopes from thinking people in all ages. Thus does language _express_ some mental content, and thus by the same token it _communicates_ that content to other minds. In consequence, mind and consciousness, or whatever these terms may mean, must somewhere be found. But where? Not in matter, or space, or even time, but in the very medium of our experience that I call _language_. Here is where we must seek “the ultimate ground of all things,” a philosophical dream whose dreamer was the English Romantic poet S. T. Coleridge. In this passage, Coleridge